Class AStarSearch
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- ScoringSearch, Search
- public class AStarSearch
- extends AbstractScoringSearch
Scoring Search using A*
Score is cost of current node SearchNode.getCost()
plus estimated rest cost SearchNode.getEstimatedRestCost()
If heuristic of estimated rest cost - as implemented by the custom search node - is admissive
this strategy guarantees to find the shallowest goal. A heuristic is admissive if it's estimation
of the rest cost is never higher than the actual rest cost.
If heuristic is set to 0 (which of course is admissive) and current cost is set to the depth of the
node this strategy is equal to BreadthFirstSearch
. These values are default in AbstractSearchNode
- See Also:
Fields inherited from class net.sourceforge.jsl.AbstractOpenClosedListSearch |
closedList, closeGoal, expandCnt, expandGoal, maxClosed, maxDepth, maxExpands, maxOpen, openList, seed, useHashSet |
Method Summary |
double |
score(SearchNode node)
Calculates the score of the given node. |
Methods inherited from class net.sourceforge.jsl.AbstractOpenClosedListSearch |
checkForEmergencyStop, cutOff, expand, getClosedList, getCloseGoal, getExpandGoal, getMaxClosed, getMaxDepth, getMaxExpands, getMaxOpen, getOpenList, search, search, setCloseGoal, setExpandGoal, setMaxClosed, setMaxDepth, setMaxExpands, setMaxOpen, setSeed, setUseHashSet |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public AStarSearch()
public double score(SearchNode node)
- Description copied from interface:
- Calculates the score of the given node. The score indicates the preference for the expansion
of a specidic node, the lower the score, the better.
- Specified by:
in interface ScoringSearch
- Specified by:
in class AbstractScoringSearch
- Parameters:
- the node to calculate the score for
- Returns:
- the score for the node in double precision
Copyright © 2003-2004 Henrik Heine, Oliver Zeigermann. All Rights Reserved.